Two types of assistance are offered to our clients: -Accounting and financial assistance -Assistance in business management
An audit is a procedure that certifies a company's accounts. It is carried out by an auditor who attests to the company's sound financial health and the regularity of its management.
The Statutory Auditor (CAC) is a legal auditor and external to the company. He is responsible for verifying the sincerity and compliance of the company's financial data with the standards in force.
ABH & Associés is a limited liability company under Ivorian law, approved by the FDFP, whose head office is located in Abidjan Cocody two plateaus 7th tranche.
With the firm ABH & Associés :
We take care of your accounting until your financial statements are drawn up. Monthly dashboards are drawn up and sent to clients.
The mission of the legal and tax department is to deal with companies linked to the firm by a legal and tax assistance contract.
Auditing has been defined by the Ordre des Experts Comptables et Comptables Agréés (OECCA) as the examination of procedures and financial statements carried out by a competent and independent professional with a view to expressing a reasoned opinion on the regularity and fairness of the accounts.
We offer two (2) types of assistance: Accounting and Financial Assistance and Business Management Assistance.
The task of the auditor is to certify the accuracy of a company's annual accounts: that they are regular and true, but also and above all that they correctly reflect the financial situation.
As a professional in finance and economics, we have the necessary know-how to accompany you in your adventure.
Thus, we are able to help you from the pre-creation phase of the company, in particular to :
-Writing a good business plan: Our expertise allows us to have a global vision and to give critical support to optimise the feasibility of the project
-Choose a legal status adapted to your needs and your business activities ;
-Choose the social status that is most advantageous for you ;
-Determining the tax regime best suited to your activities ;
-Finding funding and aid in accordance with the forecast study carried out jointly by you and us;
-Writing the application for exemption from social security contributions
-Set up the company's dashboards
Delegating to focus on the essentials
Calling on us allows you to optimise your time. As a company director, your time is precious. To enable you to concentrate on the essentials, we help you to manage your accounts on a day-to-day basis.
-To ensure technical quality of the services provided.
-Respect professional ethics and the code of ethics.
-Provide the company with all the necessary resources.
-Respect the terms and conditions of payment.
Le recours à un comptable pour tenir la comptabilité d’une entreprise n’est pas obligatoire.
Il est donc possible de faire sa comptabilité soi-même lorsqu’on est entrepreneur.
Toutefois, la comptabilité devra être tenue de façon rigoureuse et respecter les principes de la comptabilité.
Rappelons que le fait de tenir des documents comptables inexacts ou fictifs est sanctionné par une amende et assorti de peine d’emprisonnement.
Lorsque l’entreprise souhaite sous-traiter sa comptabilité à un professionnel, elle doit s’adresser à un expert-comptable inscrit au tableau de l'ordre des experts-comptables.